The bag limit for both RC867 and AC999 is one bull. The remaining quota for Zones 1 and 4 combined is 150 bull caribou. The state hunting season is scheduled to remain open in Zones 2 and 3. The remaining quota...
"I set the Campark TC07 trail camera up overlooking a small meadow that had several trails leading into it. It captured some very nice bull moose and a couple grizzlies."...
“I’m thrilled to join the TRCP and focus on conservation efforts for hunters and anglers in Alaska,” said Pardo. “Having grown up in Alaska with the privilege of fishing for salmon and hunting bears, I’m eager to help preserve these opportunities for all.” ...
Topics scheduled for the Work Session include election of officers, setting the 2025-2026 meeting cycle dates and locations, and agency reports. All meeting material for the Work Session, including the agenda and meeting notice will be available online at:
I was out looking for Dall Sheep and I found a small group up on a very steep hillside: one large ram, a couple smaller rams and a ewe. I managed to get up near the sheep, but the larger...