"My time in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region was the intentional launch point for this book project and was essential to its completion for several reasons. All of my books contain layers of themes, paths of discovery, life lessons learned, and philosophical...
Coho salmon returning to Medvejie Hatchery are not expected to meet broodstock goals in 2024. To date, approximately 700 coho salmon have been collected for broodstock while 2,250 are needed. This closure is necessary to provide sufficient numbers of coho salmon...
Assessment and reports of coho salmon throughout Cook Inlet indicate weak runs. Restrictions and closures have already been issued for coho salmon fisheries in Northern Cook Inlet, Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula streams including Kenai and Kasilof Rivers and Lower Cook Inlet systems....
"We also have major concerns that the ESA’s petition process is being, and will continue to be, leveraged to strong-arm state and federal agencies into Chinook salmon management strategies that are based on emotion and ideologies instead of sound science. The...
“After further conversations with the Valdez Fisheries Development Association, there are still concerns about not meeting coho salmon broodstock goals at the Solomon Gulch Hatchery. To provide future fishing opportunities it is necessary to fully restrict the retention of coho salmon...
The state of Alaska sent a lengthy letter to the National Fisheries Marine Service regarding the status of Gulf of Alaska Chinook salmon, which a lawsuit claims should be listed as threatened or endangered. ...
“The limited fishery is structured to ensure that the harvest remains at less than 10% of the most recent legal sized male Tanner crab abundance,” said Assistant Area Management Biologist Holly Dickson. “We really appreciate permit holders’ efforts in recent years...
All PWS shrimp permit harvest and effort information is important and must be reported online no later than October 15, 2024. Reporting is mandatory whether a permit holder went shrimping or not. Prompt and accurate reporting of the harvest information is necessary for...