At this meeting, the board will consider 159 proposals regarding finfish and shellfish in the Southeast and Yakutat Management Areas. Additionally, the board will consider action plans relating to three stock of concern determinations. Proposals have been submitted by the general...
“Public input is important to the Division as we finalize the Statewide Stocking Plan for 2025,” Statewide Stocking Coordinator Marley Loomis, said. “The Division commits a significant portion of the annual budget toward stocking fish throughout the state. Hearing from anglers...
Rockfish bag limit is reduced to 3 per day, 6 in possession, of which only 1 per day and 1 in possession may be a nonpelagic rockfish.
Yelloweye rockfish may not be retained from January 1 – June 30 (same as lingcod...
The bag and possession limit for burbot in Lake Louise is increased to two fish per day with no size limit, which aligns the bag and possession limit with the rest of the Tyone River drainage....
“I’m thrilled to join the TRCP and focus on conservation efforts for hunters and anglers in Alaska,” said Pardo. “Having grown up in Alaska with the privilege of fishing for salmon and hunting bears, I’m eager to help preserve these opportunities for all.” ...
"The results of this study were revealing and informative. Scientists found substantial genetic structure within populations and genetic diversity between regions. In some cases, scientists observed this diversity between populations separated by only a few hundred kilometers."...
Considering the success in Southeast, and to promote timely and responsive fisheries management for marine species in all saltwater areas, ADF&G has extended the 2021 Southeast Alaska eLogbook mandate to include all saltwater charter operators statewide. ...
he Alaska Board of Fisheries (board) is accepting proposed changes to the subsistence, personal use, sport, guided sport, and commercial fishing regulations for the Bristol Bay; Arctic, Yukon, Kuskokwim; Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Chignik; and Statewide finfish management areas. Finfish includes...