In its appeal decision, the Army Corps rejected the vast majority of PLP’s claims, including the company’s challenge to the Corps’ central finding in denying the permit. At the heart of that decision is its undisturbed conclusion that the Pebble Mine...
The Joint Board of Fisheries and Game reminds Alaskans that the May 1 deadline is fast approaching for submitting proposed regulation changes pertaining to local fish and game advisory committees, the processes for adopting regulations by the Board of Fisheries and...
The following press release is courtesy of NOAA Fisheries Alaska: NOAA Fisheries will hold a public hearing to receive input on an amendment to the Fishery Management Plan for Salmon Fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska. This amendment would...
Twitter had a lot of fun with the baby moose that walked into a Kenai movie theater - without a ticket - and helped itself to some cinema classics treats. ...
A University of Alaska Fairbanks fisheries professor held a "state of the salmon" address that didn't paint an optimistic future for the Last Frontier. ...
This action will allow opportunity for anglers to retain king salmon in the area and time when Alaska hatchery-produced king salmon are expected to be returning to Hidden Falls Hatchery. After June 14, the Southeast Alaska regional king salmon bag, possession,...