The limited Tanner crab fishery provides harvest opportunity in years that the department trawl survey was not conducted, or if the abundance estimate of legal Tanner crab from the survey is less than the threshold for the larger standard fishery. No...
Estimated passage of coho salmon past the Pilot Station sonar through August 28, 2023 was 28,862 fish, which is well below the median cumulative count of 109,947, and is the second lowest on record to date. Therefore, closure of the coho...
Estimated passage of coho salmon past the Pilot Station sonar through August 28, 2023, was 28,862 fish, which is well below the median cumulative count of 109,947, and is the second lowest on record to date. Therefore, closure of the coho...
Based on the low number of tag recoveries, and the low number of coho salmon that have returned to the Douglas Island Pink and Chum (DIPAC) Inc. Macaulay Salmon Hatchery to date, a very poor run of hatchery produced coho salmon...
Based on survey expansions, coho salmon returning to Peterson Creek have failed to meet the sustainable escapement goal range in 5 of the last 6 years when data were available (2016–2018 and 2020–2022, no data available for 2019). Conservative action is...
There are still some sockeye coming in at Saltery and Pasagshak. Many anglers are reporting a mix of sockeye and coho. Remember that the coho bag limit at Saltery and Pasagshak is 2 per day until September 16, when it changes...