EPA has determined that the large-scale loss of, and damage to, headwater streams, wetlands, and other aquatic resources that support salmon populations in the SFK, NFK, and UTC watersheds from the discharge of dredged or fill material for the construction and...
The Alaska Board of Fisheries, at the January 14-18 Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim meeting in Anchorage, deliberated on 14 and adopted 8 proposals that changed sport fishing regulations in the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Region for the upcoming fishing season. ...
“This decision has been a long time coming,” said Austin Williams, Alaska legal and policy director for Trout Unlimited. “It’s so great to see the Forest Service move beyond unsustainable and damaging clear cut logging of old-growth forest and chart a...
Formalized as part of ALFA’s Young Fishermen Initiative in 2015— in late 2017 ALFA was awarded funds to get more boots on deck statewide. Since 2015, over 100 apprentices have been trained and placed on local fishing vessels in Southeast Alaska....
NOAA Fisheries is denying the request for emergency action because the petition does not meet the criteria necessary to determine that an emergency exists. Specifically, the available information does not support a finding that the proposed emergency regulations would address the low...