The Little Su continues to provide good fishing. This fishery should be good for another week and will slow down into September.
The best success for coho salmon this time of year comes from the Talkeetna River and nearby streams such as...
“Alaska is the superpower of seafood, the source of roughly two-thirds of all seafood harvested in the United States,” said Sen. Sullivan. “Our fishery’s extraordinary abundance is the result of responsible stewards who’ve sustainably managed this incredible resource and followed the rules....
This group comment letter reflects an unprecedented consensus of more than 120 groups from Alaska, the nation, and the world—representing tens of millions of supporters and spanning an exceptional spectrum of interests—all of which have concluded that the protection of Bristol...
“We’re thrilled that the last bureaucratic hurdles are being cleared and we urge the B.C. government to move quickly to fix this decades-long mess,” said Breanna Walker, director of Salmon Beyond Borders. “While we are optimistic this source of acid mine...
Coho salmon returning to the Douglas Island Pink and Chum (DIPAC) Inc. Macaulay Salmon Hatchery are not expected to meet hatchery broodstock goals this year. The return of hatchery produced coho salmon to Juneau waters appears to be low based on...
The Seattle Times talked to scientists about changing ocean conditions that could affect Bristol Bay's salmon harvests in the future despite this summer's record haul. ...
With one week left in the Valdez Silver Salmon Derby, Deanna Cox of Valdez, Alaska is leading with a 14.42-pound fish caught August 16. There is a silver salmon bigger than the derby leader swimming around in Prince William Sound, but...