• Port Valdez/Lowe River Goat Hunt Shutting Down

    Port Valdez/Lowe River Goat Hunt Shutting Down

    The most recent aerial survey found a minimum count of 176 goats in registration permit area RG245. The department set the maximum allowable harvest at 8 goat points. The current reported harvest is three billies and three nannies; each billy counts as one goat point, each nanny counts as two goat points.

Anchorage, US
6:15 am, Oct 08
L: 37° H: 42°
Feels like 37.9 °F
UV Index: 0
Precipitation: 0 inch
Sunrise: 8:25 am
Sunset: 7:08 pm
Humidity 91 %
Wind 0 m/s

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