Dallas Seavey Exonerated By Iditarod Committee After Dog Doping Investigation

Our former cover subject and Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey was the subject of a dog doping scandal uncovered in the 2017 Iditarod during drug testing. Seavey proclaimed his innocence when the news broke, and months later it appears Seavey, a four-time Iditaord winner, has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
It's been an incredibly challenging year, and I am so grateful for the steadfast support that you all have shown me. What a relief to finally have closure and be able to focus on the dogs and the sport that I love!
Dallas pic.twitter.com/Dg4VEn7h7M
— Dallas Seavey (@DallasSeavey) December 4, 2018
Here’s what Seavey said in the press release:
“I greatly appreciate the Iditarod resolving this issue thoroughly and definitively as well as their acknowledgement of the difficulties this has caused both myself and the greater mushing community.”
“Since my grandfather’s participation in the inaugural Iditarod, the Seavey family has cumulatively competed in the 47 Iditarod races. I look forward to many more years of involvement in the Last Great Race!”
Here’s a little more from the Anchorage Daily News: on the idea that someone else may have drugged the dogs:
“We met with him multiple times and there was (sufficient) evidence to conclude he didn’t have anything to do with it,” Mike Mills, the president of the Iditarod’s board of directors, said in an interview.
“… There’s no wrongdoing with Dallas that we found. He had no knowledge. It’s a hard situation to untangle, but we’re comfortable that we made the right decision.”
So who drugged the dogs?
“We’re convinced we’re never going to figure that out,” Mills said.