Winter Moose Hunt Won’t Open In Units 17B, C

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Registration Moose Hunt RM585 in Units 17B&C Closed

(Dillingham) – The winter registration moose hunt RM585 in Game Management Units (Units) 17B&C will not open this winter.

Due to conservation concerns over the total number and availability of bulls for hunters, both Units will be closed to hunting under RM585. The population uncertainty and potential for high accessibility to the wintering moose congregations puts these moose at risk of overharvest.

Registration moose hunt RM585 was designed to supplement fall moose hunting opportunity by providing a limited number of bull moose permits in years when the population allows. Resident fall moose hunters in Units 17B were successful during the fall under both general season and RM583 hunts reporting a total of 57 bulls harvested, while 17C hunters reported 168 bulls harvested. Additional opportunity was permitted during the fall season for resident hunters holding RM583 in both 17B&C. Additionally, non-resident hunters harvested a total of 60 bull moose under the general hunting season and RM587 in Unit 17B.

Minimum management objectives defined by the Board of Game for each subunit is as follows: Unit 17B Harvest objective: 200 – 400 Population objective: 4,900 – 6,000.
Unit 17C Harvest objective: 165 – 350 Population objective: 2,800 – 3,500.

Hunters in 17C were successful this season in meeting the minimum harvest objective and the most recent population survey marginally exceeded the population objective in 2023 which estimated the population at 3,629 ±348 moose. Conversely, Unit 17B harvest objectives were not expected to be met. Local managers plan to attempt a 17B moose population survey in February or March when survey conditions are most suitable for moose population counts.

For questions or more information about moose hunting opportunities in Unit 17, contact the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in Dillingham at (907) 843-2334.