Wildlife Forever Issues Progress Report On Invasive Species Prevention

Since 2006, Wildlife Forever has formed and led a growing coalition of stakeholders, including federal, state and local agencies along with lake associations, universities, media outlets and outdoor recreation groups, to coordinate a national public awareness and prevention campaign. Over 1.9 Billion Americans have been educated through targeted multi-media marketing. The result equates to reaching every USA citizen with an invasive species awareness message six times in the past thirteen years.
The new report highlights accomplishments and the partners who generously help fund outreach and education to America’s outdoor recreationists.
“The evidence shows that when we invest in education and Clean Drain Dry public awareness, we’re influencing behavior and slowing the spread,” said Pat Conzemius, Executive Vice President for Wildlife Forever. “But more needs to be done and we’re now urging additional outdoor industry partners to help us educate the public and defend our natural resources. After all, it is the outdoor enthusiasts that so many businesses and communities depend upon,” explained Conzemius.
Detailed in the bi-Annual report are invasive species prevention actions and initiatives Wildlife Forever and its national campaign partners achieved by pooling together over $745,000.
Utilizing innovative marketing techniques and developed campaign materials, coalition partners directly benefit by saving valuable economic resources, time and avoiding duplication. Recent accomplishments include reaching 16 million contacts using television and radio public service announcements; 93 million impressions were reached using highway billboards and outdoor media. An additional 12 million contacts were also reached through print, social media, and public events promoting a consistent Clean Drain Dry prevention message.
The Clean Drain Dry Initiative™ is the national campaign to educate outdoor recreational users on how to prevent the spread of invasive species. Strategic communications, marketing, outreach and educational services provide access to consistent messaging, and resources for implementing AIS prevention programs. To learn about services and partnership opportunities, contact Dane Huinker at DHuinker@Wildlifeforever.org or visit www.CleanDrainDry.org.
About Wildlife Forever (WF): Wildlife Forever’s mission is to conserve America’s wildlife heritage through conservation education, preservation of habitat and management of fish and wildlife. Join Today and get involved. Learn more about the award-winning programs, including work to engage America’s youth, at www.WildlifeForever.org