Prince of Wales Island Is Royalty
Photos courtesy of Prince of Wales Chamber of Commerce
Prince of Wales Chamber of Commerce is an unusual Chamber,considering its membership is not from just
one city or even a county, but a whole wfrom a whole Island. Here, 12
communities are surrounded by the Tongass National Forest, Naawell
Forest, Native lands, and State lands. Prince of Wales Island is the
third largest island in the United States.
Prince of Wales Chamber of Commerce can be found at No. 7 in the
Klawock-Heenya Plaza. Our Chamber office has a wealth of information.
There are brochures from businesses on POW Island, from all
communities and cultures alike. We mail out Relocation Packets to
those moving to our Island. Inside these packets are found helpful
materials on utilities, housing, activities, stores, businesses,
transportation, telephone book, calendar, USFS map, ($15 value),
annual Visitor Guide, and loads of other necessary items. We are the
place to call when planning a trip or just wanting to find information
about POW Island! Our Visitor Guide is distributed to more than 20,000
people a year. People from all over the United States, Germany,
Canada, call and write asking for information on our beautiful Island,
and it is mailed out FREE, at no cost to you.
On our web site, www.princeofwalescoc.org, you will find valuable
information about our Island. Our annual publication The Prince of
Wales Island Visitor Guide is one of the most informative &
picturesque Guides you will find anywhere.
Chamber hours are Mon & Thurs 7:30am-3:30pm; Tues & Wed 8am-4pm; Fri
10am-4pm. Call ahead & make an appointment if designated hours don’t
work for you. All this information can be found by going to our web
site or calling the Chamber office 907-755-2626, email us at
info@princeofwalescoc.org, or write POW Chamber of Commerce, PO Box
490, Klawock, AK 99925.