When you Gotta go
Great camping idea when you can’t wait.
When You Gotta Go…
When you’re in the woods and you need a place to go, you can at least go comfortably with this wilderness lifehack!
Lots of you have probably been putting garbage bags in buckets for this kind of thing (or just been using buckets, you savages), but why not add a little extra luxury for a few added dollars, and put a pool noodle seat on it? You can even hang the paper roll from the handle.
One thing I might add, if I were doing this– maybe consider reinforcing the pool noodle with some duct tape if you’re going to use it for more than one trip. You don’t need an unexpected bucket-butt meeting.
Please remember to pack your lysol and hand sanitizer. For everyone’s sake.
Sources: Sam Morstan, The King of Random Facebook,