Valdez Kids Pink Salmon Derby A Big Success

The following is courtesy of Valdez Fish Derbies:
VALDEZ, Alaska –Tyler Bellison of Wasilla, Alaska took 2nd place in the 14 to 16 age division of the Valdez Kids Pink Salmon Derby Saturday. “No talent is needed to fish because every cast you would get one,” Bellison said. Valdez local Kate Goudreau took her daughter, Amelia, out fishing Saturday and said it has been years since she fished Allison Point. “It was awesome,” commented Goudreau. “Everyone was super stoked. Fish were biting left and right.” While most kids didn’t have a problem catching a pink salmon, it does seem some families might have a secret to catching big fish.
This year Avery Creer of El Paso, Texas took 1st place in the 11 to 13 age division with a 7.94 pound pink salmon. Her sister McKinley Creer took 1st place in the 8 to 10 age division with a 6.96 pound pink. Josie Jenkins of Fairbanks, Alaska took 2nd place in the 8 to 10 year age division this year with a 6.76 pound pink and her brother Riley captured 3rd place in the 14-16 age division with a 5.26 pound pink salmon.

The Valdez Kids Pink Salmon Derby started in 2008 and the biggest fish ever caught in the Kids Derby was a 10.12 pound monster caught by Alex Plowman of Fairbanks back in 2017. Last year Plowman caught a 7.32 pound pink salmon. It wasn’t the largest fish in the 2018 Kids Derby, but it was big enough for him to capture 1st place in the 11 to 13 age division. This year Plowman was back and brought in another big fish. He weighed in a 6.38 pound pink salmon. A nice fish, but Wesley Horschel of Valdez also caught a 6.38 pound pink salmon. The rules state that if there is a tie, the person who weighs their fish in first wins so Wesley Horschel captured 3rd place. Does Horschel sound like a familiar name? That might be because Caleb Horschel won 2nd place with a 7.90 pound pink in 2017 and 1st place in 2016 with a 7.64 pound pink. Lilia Horschel took 3rd place in 2017 year with a 7.74 pound pink salmon and captured 2nd place in the 5 to 7 age division this year with a 6.82 pound pink salmon. CLICK HERE for results and pictures. Scroll to bottom of the page to see Top 10 All Time.
The first place winner in each division won a longboard skateboard. The 2nd place winners in each division received a skateboard and the 3rd place winners in each division received a fishing pole from Prospector. The Valdez Kids Pink Salmon Derby is a free event open to kids age 5 to 16. The weigh-in station gave away 350 free t-shirts to kids age 5 to 16 that got a line wet and hosted a free family barbeque attended by 500 people at Dock Point picnic area.

With more than 350 kids weighing in fish for the 2019 Valdez Kids Pink Salmon Derby, there is no doubt future anglers are being made in Valdez. Who knows, perhaps we will see some of these names on the leaderboard for the Valdez Silver Salmon Derby. Last year, the $10,000 top prize in the Silver Derby was won by 7-year-old Aksel Hutchinson.
The first place winner in each division won a longboard skateboard. The 2nd place winners in each division received a skateboard and the 3rd place winners in each division received a fishing pole from Prospector. The Valdez Kids Pink Salmon Derby is a free event open to kids age 5 to 16. The weigh-in station gave away 350 free t-shirts to kids age 5 to 16 that got a line wet and hosted a free family barbeque attended by 500 people at Dock Point picnic area.
Valdez Kids Pink Salmon Derby – 2019 Winners
5 to 7 Age Division
1st Cole Moore North Pole, AK 7.18 lbs.
2nd Lilia Horschel Valdez, AK 6.82 lbs.
3rd Eston Bailey Fairbanks, AK 6.30 lbs.
8 to 10 Age Division
1st McKinley Creer El Paso, TX 6.96 lbs.
2nd Josie Jenkins Fairbanks, AK 6.76 lbs.
3rd Hunter Burgess East Wenatchee, WA 6.24 lbs.
11 to 13 Age Division
1st Avery Creer El Paso, TX 7.94 lbs.
2nd Fritz Stangl Fairbanks, AK 7.08 lbs.
3rd Wesley Horschel Valdez, AK 6.38 lbs.
14 to 16 Age Division
1st Ginger Keller Valdez, AK 5.78 lbs.
2nd Tyler Belliston Wasilla, AK 5.64 lbs.
3rd Riley Jenkins Fairbanks, AK 5.26 lbs.
For more information on the Valdez Derbies, visit: www.valdezfishderbies.com