Tanana River Drainage Closing To Chum Salmon Fishing (Updated)
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
The Division of Sport Fish is closing the Tanana River drainage to sport fishing for chum salmon, effective 12:01 a.m. Friday, August 14, 2020. All chum salmon caught incidentally while fishing for other species may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately.
The current 2020 fall chum salmon projection is for a run size of less than 300,000 fish. Estimated passage of fall chum salmon through the Pilot Station sonar for August 10, 2020 was 148,799 fish, and the projected abundance is below the level needed to meet the drainage wide escapement goal of 300,000-600,000 fall chum salmon. Fall chum salmon are typically dominated by age-4 fish. However, the 2016 parent year that produced that age class has shown extremely poor survival in chum salmon runs throughout the state. Consistent with the 5 AAC 01.249. Yukon River Drainage Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan (2)(A), when the projected run size is 300,000 fish or less, the commercial, personal use and sport fish-directed chum salmon fisheries will be closed.
If inseason stock assessment information indicates that the chum salmon escapement goals will be met, restrictions may be relaxed.
For additional information, please contact Heather Scannell, Tanana River Area Management Biologist, 907-459-7357.
Eklutna Tailrace Youth-Only Coho Salmon Fishery on August 15
(Palmer) – The 2020 Eklutna Tailrace Coho Salmon Youth-Only Fishery will take place from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 15, 2020. The Eklutna Tailrace Youth-Only Fishery allows anglers 15 years and younger to fish from the confluence with the Knik River upstream to the pedestrian bridge. The Eklutna Tailrace is located at mile 3.5 on the Old Glenn Highway. Sections dedicated to this Youth-Only fishing are closed to anglers 16 years and up, including catch-and-release, but the remainder of the Tailrace will be open to fishing for anglers of all ages.
“Eklutna is a great atmosphere to teach kids how to fish, watch them in action, and relive your childhood. After all, fishing is fun at any age!” stated Area Management Biologist Sam Ivey. “This Youth-Only Fishery is the perfect opportunity to let kids’ fish without the pressure of adults fishing next to them.”
Remember, youth anglers do not need a sport fishing license. Anglers are allowed to use bait and multiple hooks, meaning no more than two single hooks or two treble hooks per line. While adults may assist youth anglers with baiting a hook, casting, and landing a fish, youth anglers need to set the hook themselves and the section dedicated to youth-only fishing is closed to anglers 16 years and up, during that time. The daily bag and possession limit is three coho salmon.
For additional information, please review page 40 of the 2020 Southcentral Alaska Sport Fishing Regulations Summary booklet or contact the ADF&G Palmer office at (907) 746-6300.