Swan Lake Junior Trout Derby Set For Saturday With Special Regulations Implemented

Regulations for Swan Luke Junior Trout Derby

(Sitka) – In order to provide increased opportunity for youth anglers during the annual “Swan Lake Junior Trout Derby,” the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has temporarily liberalized trout regulations for Swan Lake.

During the derby, the use of bait is allowed, the bag and possession limit is two trout (cutthroat and rainbow trout in combination), and there is no size limit. These regulations will be in effect for one day only, Saturday, June 8, from 9:00 a.m. to midnight. Anglers should be aware that these regulations differ from regulations during the remainder of the year, when the 11-inch minimum and 22-inch maximum size limit and regional bait regulations apply in Swan Lake. Wrinkleneck Creek, an inlet to Swan Lake, is closed to fishing at all times.

Each year, the department stocks Swan Lake with up to 300 wild rainbow trout from a nearby lake to provide increased roadside fishing opportunity for all anglers, including young anglers participating in the annual Junior Trout Derby. Swan Lake also contains populations of cutthroat trout and Dolly Varden.

Anyone needing further information concerning this announcement please contact the Division of Sport Fish in Sitka at (907) 747-5355.