State Closing Winter Moose Hunt In GMU 19D (McGrath)
The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Emergency Order No. R3-1-24 Effective Date: 12:01 A.M.
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Issued at: McGrath, Alaska 1/12/2024
Expiration Date: June 30, 2024 unless superseded by subsequent emergency order
This emergency order closes the winter moose hunt RM660 in Game Management Unit 19D.
Therefore, the following regulations in 5AAC 85.045(17), HUNTING SEASONS AND BAG LIMITS FOR MOOSE, are superseded by this emergency order, and the following provisions are effective for hunting moose:
Units and Bag Limits
Unit 19(D), that portion upstream Of the Selatna River, excluding the Black River
1 moose by registration permit only, a person may not take a cow accompanied by a calf
Open Season (Subsistence and General Hunts)
No Open Season
Nonresident Open Season
No Open Season
Emergency Order R3-1-24
January 12, 202
Units and Bag Limits
Open Season (Subsistence and General Hunts)
Nonresident Open Season
Moose in Unit 19D experienced a significant decline over the winter of 2022/2023. The McGrath area experienced record snow levels for much of the winter followed by an extremely late spring and green up. On April 30 there were still 34 inches of snow on the ground. Of 15 calves collared in March 2023 none survived the remainder of the winter. Surveys were conducted in November 2023 in an 1,118 mi2 area around McGrath where numbers declined from 2,471 moose in 2022 to 1,613 moose in 2023. This represents an approximately 35% decline. The current intensive management objective in a portion of Unit 19D is 5,578 moose. Our current estimate of 3,825 moose is below the objective. With very poor recruitment and high overwinter mortality, a winter antlerless hunt is not sustainable at this time, and RM660 will be closed in all areas.
Doug Vincent-Lang Commissioner