Southwest Alaskans Encouraged To Submit Ideas For Bear Pin Logo Contest
The following press release is courtesy of Katmai National Park and Preserve:

Bear Pin Logo Contest 2024
KING SALMON, Alaska — Katmai National Park invites Southwest Alaskan residents of all ages to submit a design for the 2024 Brooks Camp bear etiquette pin. The winning design becomes the official Katmai bear pin that thousands of visitors wear this summer. The winning designer is awarded a set of pins along with the satisfaction of seeing their artwork worn on jackets and ballcaps by visitors from around the world.
“We can ‘bearly’ contain our excitement,” said Katmai Superintendent Mark Sturm “at seeing your entries for 2024.”
Designs must be submitted via email at KATM_Visitor_Information@nps.gov by February 19, 2024. Complete contest rules are available on the park website at: www.nps.gov/katm/getinvolved/katmai-2024-bear-pin-contest.htm or by contacting the park at 907-246-3305.
The unique and highly prized Brooks Camp bear pins annually feature the bears and other natural and cultural wonders of Katmai. The pins are awarded to visitors who complete mandatory bear safety training, also known as “bear school.” A limited-edition and multi-colored bear pin is awarded to visitors who are exemplars of responsible behavior around bears at Brooks Camp.
Since 2017 the pins have highlighted another notable feature of Southwest Alaska: the artistic skill of its residents. Let your artwork be the enduring symbol of bear school’s graduating class of 2024 by submitting your design before the deadline of February 19, 2024.
For more information about Katmai visit us at www.nps.gov/katm and follow us on facebook, flickr, youtube, twitter, or instagram