Sockeye Salmon Retention Prohibited At Chilkoot River, Lake

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Chilkoot River and Lake Sockeye Salmon Retention Prohibited

(Haines) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is announcing that beginning at 12:01 a.m. Thursday, July 18, the retention of sockeye salmon will be prohibited in the waters of Chilkoot River and Chilkoot Lake.

Sockeye salmon returns to the Chilkoot River have been extremely low. As of July 15, only 600 sockeye salmon have passed through the Chilkoot River weir. On average, 20,000 sockeye have passed through the weir by this date. The Chilkoot sockeye run is projected to be well below the escapement goal (38,000 – 86,000 fish). Prohibition of Chilkoot sockeye salmon retention in the sport fishery is needed to increase escapement.

The bag and possession limits for species other than sockeye salmon in the Chilkoot River drainage and Lake remain unchanged. If sockeye salmon numbers at the Chilkoot River weir improve and are projected to meet the escapement goal, this restriction may be relaxed.

For more information concerning this advisory announcement please call the Division of Sport Fish office in Haines at (907) 766-3638.