Sockeye Limits Increased For Redoubt Bay And Lake

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, July 22, 2020, harvest limits in the Redoubt Bay and Lake subsistence and sport fisheries will increase. The subsistence individual/household possession limit will be 25 sockeye salmon and the individual/household annual limit will be 100 sockeye salmon. The sport fish bag and possession limit will be 6 sockeye salmon.

The Redoubt Lake weir, operated by the U.S. Forest Service, was installed and operational on June 12, 2020. As of July 20, 11,600 sockeye salmon have been counted through the weir. Based on historical run timing, the projected escapement will exceed 30,000 sockeye salmon.

The Redoubt Bay and Lake Sockeye Salmon Management Plan provides management provisions for subsistence, sport, and commercial fisheries that harvest Redoubt Lake sockeye salmon based on an optimal escapement goal of 7,000 to 25,000 fish. The plan directs ADF&G to establish a subsistence individual/household possession limit of 25 sockeye salmon and an annual limit of 100 sockeye salmon, and a sport fish bag and possession limit of 6 sockeye salmon if the projected total escapement is greater than 30,000 sockeye salmon. Participants in these fisheries are reminded that no person may possess subsistence-taken and sport-taken salmon on the same day.

The emergency orders corresponding with this announcement are: 1S3120 and 1-RS-D-22-20.

Advisory Announcement web site: