More Situk Fishing Waters Closing
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game
In order to protect king salmon in the Situk River, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has temporarily increased the area closed to sport fishing downstream of the fish counting weir on the lower Situk River.
From July 10 to August 15 sport fishing is not allowed between regulatory markers located approximately 300 feet upstream of the Situk River weir (river mile 1.8) to markers located approximately 2,100 feet downstream of the weir. This portion of the river encompasses the entire “Rodeo Hole”.
The Situk River drainage is managed for an escapement range of 450 to 1,050 large king salmon. As of July 5, 2017, 107 large king salmon have passed through the Situk River weir. Average run-timing data indicates that if these trends continue escapement will not be reached. Due to recent poor production and low escapements, the department has implemented conservative management actions that prohibit the retention of king salmon in sport, commercial, and subsistence fisheries on the Situk River in 2017. Guides, anglers, and ADF&G personnel on the Situk River report large numbers of king salmon holding in several large pools below the weir. This emergency order protects king salmon from incidental hooking and catch-and-release angling practices while they seek passage through the department’s weir.
Anglers are reminded that the entire Situk River drainage is closed to sport fishing for king salmon. King salmon may not be targeted and any incidentally caught king salmon may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately.