Sitka Site For ADFG Chinook Symposium

The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) invites the public to attend a Chinook Salmon Symposium, Monday, May 21, from 5:00-8:00pm, at the Harrigan Centennial Hall in Sitka. The symposium is free.
Hosted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, this event features presentations on:
- Chinook salmon research– what we know about how local stocks are performing, as well as Pacific Northwest Chinook salmon stocks coastwide.
- A look at the last 10 years of Chinook salmon management for the commercial and sport fisheries – annual allocations, actual harvest, and performance relative to the Pacific Salmon Treaty.
- Conservative actions – 2018 management measures in response to poor Chinook salmon production.
- Treaty transparency – a summary of the treaty past, present, and future.
- Public process and participation – an overview of the public regulatory process and how to get involved.
- Public question and answer session.
We encourage those interested in Southeast Chinook salmon issues to join this evening of informative presentations by our fisheries research and management team.