Saluting Iditarod Winner’s Lead Dogs

Here’s more from Alaska’s News Source on the two top pups of Iditarod winner Brent Sass’s team:

“Slater’s almost been up there the whole race,” said Sass. “It’s hard to take him out because he just keeps the speed up more than anything. And same thing with Morello. They’re really good at just going through checkpoints without any hesitation.”

That’s good for Sass, who prefers to blow through checkpoints and rest just off the trail, where it’s more secluded and quiet.

He summed the two dogs up in one word: “amazing.”

What’s awesome about Sass’s dogs is they’re named for characters in the coming-of-age film Dazed and Confused. So to borrow Matthew McConaughey’s Wooderson character in the movie, who uttered what is now the Oscar winner’s catch-phrase, a hearty “Alright, Alright, Alright” to Slater, Morello and the rest of the dogs.