Resurrection Bay Freshwater Sockeye Salmon Bag Limits Increased


Resurrection Bay photo by Dave LaForest/Wikimedia

The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is implementing the following sport fishing regulation liberalization by increasing the bag and possession limit for sockeye salmon in the Resurrection Bay drainage specifically in fresh waters downstream from the Seward Highway and downstream from Nash Road to the saltwater markers from three to six fish. This regulatory change is effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday, June 16 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, July 31, 2018. Snagging is not allowed in freshwater. Only unbaited, single-hook, artificial lures or flies are allowed in this freshwater area open to salmon fishing. Anglers are reminded that to look for the saltwater markers that separate the fresh and saltwater fishing zones in the Resurrection River. Please see page 77 of the 2018 Southcentral Sport Fishing Regulation Summary booklet for clarification.

As of June 12, 2018, more than 10,100 sockeye salmon have passed the Bear Creek weir, with large numbers of sockeye salmon still entering the river. Bear Lake sockeye salmon has a sustainable escapement goal (SEG) of 700-8,300 and is managed to escape 5,152-12,752 sockeye salmon, which meets both the SEG and hatchery broodstock requirements. The upper end of the SEG is expected to be exceeded and the inriver goal will be met or exceeded which warrants the bag and possession limit liberalization.

“As both the SEG and the hatchery brood needs are expected to be exceeded, this liberalization on the Resurrection Bay fresh water sockeye salmon fishery will allow sport anglers an opportunity to harvest the surplus sockeye salmon returning to Bear Lake,” stated Area Management Biologist Jay Baumer.

Anglers are reminded that commercial fishing will also be occurring in Resurrection Bay over the next few weeks. For additional information on commercial fishing periods, please visit the ADF&G Commercial Salmon Fisheries webpage.

For additional information, please contact the Anchorage Sport Fish Information Center at (907) 267-2218.