Resident Moose Hunt Near Carter Bay Drainage Extended Through October 15

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

ADF&G Extends Resident Moose hunt RM620 in that portion south Carter Bay Drainage including the Goodnews River Drainage

(Bethel) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announces an Emergency Order season extension of the RM 620 resident moose season in Unit 18, that portion that drains into Kuskokwim Bay south of Carter Bay Drainage (including the Goodnews River drainage). This order extends the open hunting season from September 30, 2024 to October 15, 2024.

A 2024 survey of the hunt area found 443 moose in the Goodnews River drainage and the harvest objective for this area is 45 bull moose. Poor weather in the first part of the month and high water in the latter part of the month has resulted in low harvest. Hunters have only reported harvesting 4 moose and with 41 total permit holders it is not possible to surpass the harvest objective. Harvest objectives have not been met in recent years and this additional opportunity will allow resident hunters to capitalize on a population that is at the population objective. All successful hunters must report to the Bethel Fish and Game office within 5 days. Unsuccessful hunters must report by October 31, 2024.

All other moose hunting regulations in Unit 18 remain unchanged by this advisory announcement.