Rancher Says Kodiak Island Bears Are Killing His Cattle
Kodiak bears have killed an estimated 30 cattle on one rancher’s prope https://t.co/SJvIT3tnud
— IGNIVA – Commodity (@ignivacommodity) October 24, 2018
A Kodiak Island rancher says the island’s iconic brown bears are responsible for the deaths of 30 head of cattle around his property. Here’s more from the Associated Press via the Anchorage Daily News :
Rancher Chris Flickinger said the number of his animals killed by bears is way above average and has hit him hard financially. Over the last two weeks, bears have killed a cow, a bull and two calves at his property near Pasagshak, he said.
“It’s hugely significant,” Flickinger said. “It’s definitely a pretty big loss.”
Bulls are worth up to $1,500 while some cows are valued up to $2,000, he said.
Flickinger said he tries to scare bears away when he encounters them but was forced to shoot one more than a year ago.
Under state law, killing a bear is permissible if done as a last resort in “defense of your life or property.”
The local paper, the Kodiak Daily Mirror, had the first report on the story.