Public Comment Period Open For State’s Stocking Program Proposals
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
This news release opens a 10-day public comment period, wherein an amendment to the 2021 Statewide Stocking Plan (SSP) has been proposed by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish. All amendments to the SSP which occur outside of the regular 60-day public comment period require a 10-day public comment period notice through a local news outlet, followed by a comment review by area staff. This comment period notice must occur prior to finalizing changes to the current plan year.
The Division of Sport Fish staff propose to amend the 2021 SSP by expanding its freshwater stocking program during 2021 in the Nenana River drainage area by releasing hatchery-raised rainbow trout into Sansing Lake (7-8 inches). Approximately 500 rainbow trout from the Ruth Burnett Hatchery would be stocked in mid-June of this year (2021).
This proposed stocking is subject to a minimum 10-day public comment period.
Once all public comments have been reviewed Division of Sport Fish staff will make a final decision. If approved, a summary of the amendment to the 2021 SSP will be posted on the ADF&G website.
Comments must be received by April 16, 2021. Please submit public comment to Heather Scannell.