Preparing For 2014 Bristol Bay Sockeye Season
The sockeye salmon season in the Bristol Bay area will kick off in early summer, and here’s an audio report from Mike Mason of KDLG radio in Dillingham, posted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Among Mason’s report, when he spoke with ADFG area biologist Paul Salomone, who oversees the area that includes the Egekik River:
* In anticipation of an early run, ADFG plans to put together counting towers earlier than normal in the Egegik.
* ADFG anticipates the Egegik sockeye run at around 4.65 million, with an escapement goal of anywhere between 800,000 to 1.4 million fish.
Mason also provided an update on the Ugashik River District in an interview with Salomone.