Pink Salmon Limits Increased In Unalakleet River

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Unalakleet River photo by Bureau of Land Management

Unalakleet River Pink Salmon Sport Fish Limit Increased

(Fairbanks) â€“The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is increasing the sport fish bag and possession limit for pink salmon from 10 to 20 fish in the Unalakleet River drainage, effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, July 3 through August 15, 2024.

The Unalakleet River drainage can experience large even-year pink salmon escapements. The North River, a tributary of the Unalakleet River, has a lower bound sustainable escapement goal (SEG) of 25,000 pink salmon. Through June 30, the North River counting tower has passed 12,909 pink salmon. While still early in the run, projections indicate a run in excess of 115,000 pink salmon to the North River. Aerial surveys flown on June 27 observed 300,000 pink salmon within the Unalakleet River drainage with schools of fish holding downstream of the North River as well. To provide additional sport fishing opportunity to harvest pink salmon surplus to the escapement goal, an increase in the bag and possession limit for pink salmon from 10 to 20 fish is warranted.

For additional information contact Brendan Scanlon, Northwest and North Slope Area Management Biologist, at 907-459-7268 or