Permits Still Available For September Unit 14C Dall Sheep Hunts

The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Permits Available for GMU 14C Dall Sheep Hunts
(Anchorage) – Dall Sheep draw hunts DS232 and DS241 were undersubscribed during the 2024-2025 drawing process. Regulations approved by the Board of Game allow ADF&G to issue undersubscribed permits at the discretion of hunt managers. There is one permit available for each hunt, the hunts are limited to nonresident hunters guided by an Alaska-licensed guide and a guide-client contract is required at the time of application. Permits are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Undersubscribed Hunt Applications are available in-person at ADF&G offices, or via the ADF&G website at the following link, http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=huntlicense.undersubscribed. To receive a permit, applicants must sign, and submit a completed Undersubscribed Hunt Application by email todfg.dwc.infocenter@alaska.gov. The application must include the Alaska-licensed guides unique verification code (UVC).
Specific information for these hunts can be found in the 2024-2025 Alaska Drawing Permit Hunt Supplement available at ADF&G offices. Hunters can also go directly to the following link to access the supplement,https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=huntlicense.drawsupplements. Hunters with questions about the application process for these hunts can call the Anchorage ADF&G office at (907) 267-2257.
Permits are available for the following hunts:
Hunt Number
14C, Northwest
Bag Limit
Full curl/ every 4 yrs
Hunt Dates
Sept 5. – Sept. 17
Permits Available
Eligible Applicants
Guided Nonresidents (Nonresidents are required to have a guide client contract prior to applying)
Hunt Number
14C, West Eklutna
Bag Limit
Full curl/ every 4 yrs
Hunt Dates
Sept. 1 – Sept. 30
Permits Available
Eligible Applicants
Guided Nonresidents (Certified bowhunters only, an IBEP or equivalent certification number is required to be considered)
Contact: Danner Shreve, Wildlife Biologist (907) 267-2179; danner.shreve@alaska.gov