Pebble Mine Opponents Gearing Up For Next Round In Fight

The following press release is courtesy of Businesses For Bristol Bay:
One year ago the Pebble Limited Partnership filed its permit application with the Army Corps of Engineers. Today, just 12 months later, the Army Corps is preparing to release Pebble’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and begin its public comment period in January with a final decision in early 2020 – faster than any other large mine in Alaska. Based on the Army Corps’ rushed and politically-driven timeline, 2019 will be the year to stop the Pebble Mine.
In 2018, Bristol Bay’s business community played a lead role in urging the Army Corps to slow down and conduct a fair and science-based review. Thanks to your leadership, Businesses for Bristol Bay and its partners were able to accomplish the following this year:
- Formally request a suspension of Pebble’s permit
- Raise thousands of dollars to protect Bristol Bay
- Drum up public awareness about the Pebble Mine
- Engage local and federal decision-makers
- Educate consumers about Bristol Bay’s sustainable fishery
These efforts have been critical in helping us get the attention of decision-makers who can hold the Army Corps accountable and stop Pebble’s irresponsible and risky mine plan from moving forward. Thank you!
It’s going to take tremendous and constant pressure in 2019 to stop the Army Corps from approving Pebble’s permit. Businesses for Bristol Bay will continue to ensure that Bristol Bay’s business community is heard by decision-makers. It’s your voices that will help stop the Pebble Mine in 2019.
Some of the ways that you and your business can weigh in over the coming months:
- Comments to the Army Corps in early 2019; our science and technical experts can provide detailed information for your company to include
- Letters to Congress; we can provide draft letters tailored to your business
- Meetings with decision-makers in Washington D.C.; we can work with your team to schedule
- Earned/Paid media in regional and national outlets; we can provide content and images
Our work would not be possible without your support. Please contact us if your company would like tomake a tax-deductible contribution to Businesses for Bristol Bay and become a direct partner in our work. We also welcome and appreciate any in-kind donations (e.g., free advertising, special edition products, professional services). Your generous support will allow us to carry your message to elected officials who can make a real difference and help protect your company’s bottom line.
Wishing you and yours the very best this holiday season.
Rest up, 2019 is going to be busy!