Pebble Mine EIS Report Looming

The following is courtesy of Defend Bristol Bay:
Dear Supporter,The clock is ticking. As you know, next week (June 23) we expect the US Army Corps of Engineers to release the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Pebble Mine. This will conclude one of the fastest review processes in recent memory. Over the past year and a half, every agency at state and federal levels have called this EIS into question, including the United States EPA. The science is clear. Pebble is bad for Bristol Bay and every expert agrees. Last year, Senators Murkowski and Sullivan expressed concern about the science of Pebble and wondered if the Army Corps was cutting corners. Murkowksi passed legislation that encouraged the EPA to use its “enforcement authority under the Clean Water Act…at an appropriate time.” That time is now! Tell EPA now is the time to defend Bristol Bay! Meanwhile, the Bristol Bay fishery continues to support more than 14,000 jobs and drive a massive $1.5 billion a year economy. So far this summer, more than 35 million sockeye have returned to Bristol Bay. They show no signs of slowing down. Pebble puts all of this at risk. Time is running out to stop Pebble Mine! Time is running out, which is why we’re excited to share with you a new ad from our coalition of partners. Have you seen it? Have you shared it? The time to stop Pebble Mine is now. We need you to tell EPA to stand behind their science and use their authority to Veto Pebble.We can’t wait any longer. That time is now. Sincerely, Defend Bristol Bay |
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