New ADFG Activity Requirements For Saltwater Charter Boat Operators

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Starting 2025 All Saltwater Charter Operators Required to Report Charter Activity Using the ADF&G eLogbook Service

(Statewide) – The successful implementation of mandatory electronic logbook (eLogbook) reporting for the charter sector in Southeast Alaska has proven beneficial to both industry and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). Recent restrictions to saltwater species throughout the state have highlighted the need for more accurate and timely reporting in all regions. Through the ongoing cooperation of the charter industry in Southeast Alaska, and voluntary eLogbook users in the remainder of the state, the eLogbook has proven to be a more efficient, timely, and effective data collection mechanism:

  • eLogbook data are submitted faster, more easily, and more accurately than on paper.
  • Data verification (ADF&G sending emails to you specific to data errors) is dramatically reduced for eLogbook data.
  • In Southeast, where eLogbooks are mandatory, charter data are available to fisheries managers in a substantially shorter timeframe.

Considering the success in Southeast, and to promote timely and responsive fisheries management for marine species in all saltwater areas, ADF&G has extended the 2021 Southeast Alaska eLogbook mandate to include all saltwater charter operators statewide. Beginning in 2025, all saltwater charter operators will be required to report their charter activity using the ADF&G eLogbook. 

For further details on the eLogbook, or to get access to your eLogbook links, please see our website, email Ben Jevons, or call 907-267-2299.