Mountain Goat Hunt Shutting Down In Upper Blue Lake Zone
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Upper Blue Lake Mt. Goat Hunt Zone Closed
(Sitka) – Hunt managers set a harvest quota of three males or one female for the Upper Blue Lake zone of mountain goat hunt RG150 on Baranof Island. Quotas are based on the most recent surveys.
To date, three male goats have been harvested in the Upper Blue Lake zone of RG150. The management objective for this zone has been met and no further harvest is warranted. Harvest that exceeds objectives could lead to reduced hunting opportunity in the future.
Therefore, this zone is being closed by emergency order (EO) at 11:59 PM, Friday, November 1, 2024.
Emergency Order R1-18-24 was issued to close the mountain goat season in the Upper Blue Lake Zone of RG150 on Friday, November 1, 2024 @ 11:59 PM.
Those portions of Unit 4 not affected by this emergency order will remain open until harvest quotas are reached or the season concludes.
Previous EO’s are listed online at:
http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg =wcnews.main
For additional information please contact the Sitka area office at (907) 747-5449.