Most Of Baranof Island Goat Hunting Set To Open On July 1
The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Baranof Island Mt. Goat Hunting
(Sitka) – The 2024 mountain goat season begins Thursday, August 1st. Registration permits are now available. An island-wide survey conducted in October 2023, estimated the population at 1,250 goats. However, survey conditions were poor. Managers do not think the population has decreased that far from the peak estimate of nearly 1,900 goats in 2019. An updated survey will be conducted when conditions allow. All hunt zones except the South Baranof zone will be open. Individual zone quotas are available through the Sitka ADF&G office.
Emergency Order (EO) R1-1-24 was issued to close the mt. goat season in the South Baranof zone on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 @11:59 pm.
The South Baranof zone could be over-utilized due to low population levels and accessibility. Managers will re-assess and make in-season adjustments to quotas and zone closures when updated surveys are conducted.
Those portions of Unit 4 not affected by this emergency order will remain open until harvest quotas are reached or the season concludes.
Hunters are encouraged to target billies. Successful hunters are required to bring their goat’s horns to ADF&G for sex and age verification.
For maps, zone quotas, FAQ’s and other information, contact the Sitka area office at (907) 747-5449.