McGrath Area Moose Hunt Shortened

The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Emergency Order No. R3-5-24 Effective Date: 12:01 A.M.



Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Issued at: McGrath, Alaska 7/1/2024

Expiration Date: June 30, 2024 unless superseded by subsequent emergency order


This emergency order shortens the general season moose hunt in that portion of Unit 19D upstream of the Selatna River.

Therefore, the following regulations in 5AAC 85.045(17), HUNTING SEASONS AND BAG LIMITS FOR MOOSE, are superseded by this emergency order, and the following provisions are effective for hunting moose:

Units and Bag Limits

Open Season (Subsistence and General Hunts)

Sept. 1 – Sept. 25

Unit 19(D), that portion of the Black River drainage excluding that portion within 2 miles of the Kuskokwim River, and that portion of the Selatna River drainage north of the Selatna River, and excluding that portion within 2 miles of the Kuskokwim River

1 antlered bull

Sept. 1 – Sept. 25

Unit 19(D)

remainder 1 antlered bull

Nonresident Open Season

No open season

JUSTIFICATION: Moose in Unit 19D experienced a significant decline during the winter of 2022/2023. The McGrath area experienced record snow levels for much of that winter followed by an extremely late spring and green up. On April 30, 2023, there were still 34 inches of snow on the ground. Of 15 calves collared in March 2023 none survived the remainder of the winter. Prior to documenting this decline moose were at much higher densities and the McGrath AC had submitted proposal 66 to the Board of Game to take advantage of the additional moose that were available for harvest at that time.

In November 2023 the Department conducted a GSPE in a portion of Unit 19D and documented an approximately 35% decline in abundance. Despite the decline, the Department and the McGrath AC continued to support the proposal to allow for additional opportunity when the moose population recovered. The board passed proposal 66 in March 2024 which included a 10-day extension of the general season hunt with a new end date of September 30th. However, the department was clear at the meeting that not all portions of the proposal would be implemented until moose numbers increased to higher levels.

Emergency Order No. R3-5-24 3

January 1, 2024

Doug Vincent-Lang Commissioner