Lake George Mountain Goat Hunt (Unit 14C) Closing

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Lake George Mountain Goat Hunt RG869 Closes in Unit 14C
(Anchorage) – Registration permit hunt RG869 for mountain goats in the Lake George area (Unit 14C) will close at 11:59 p.m. on October 1, 2024, by emergency order. To maintain the population objective of at least 500 goats in Unit 14C that will sustain an annual harvest of 25 goats, comprising at least 60 percent males, harvest from this area should not exceed 24 goat points.
The Lake George area is managed with separate hunts for resident and nonresident hunters. Total goat points are calculated using one point for billies and two points for nannies. Sixteen of the total goat points are allotted for residents under permit RG869 and RG879. Combined, 16 goat points (6 nannies and 4 billies) have been harvested by resident hunters from the Lake George area, and additional hunters remain in the field. Nonresident hunters must have a drawing permit for goats in this area (DG889). The DG889 season remains open.
For more information concerning this registration hunt, contact Area Wildlife Biologist Cory Stantorf at (907) 267-2811 or Asst. Wildlife Biologist Nick Docken (907) 267-2185.