Kvichak River Sockeye Limits Reduced

The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
(Dillingham) – In favor of protecting returning sockeye salmon and increased fishing opportunities in the future, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is restricting the bag and possession limit for sockeye salmon from five fish to two fish in all waters of the Kvichak River / Lake Iliamna drainage, effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, July 12, 2018. The bag and possession limit restrictions apply to the waters of the Kvichak, Newhalen, and Tazimina rivers and their tributaries, and Clark, Sixmile, and Iliamna lakes and all other tributaries into these lakes.
The Alagnak River drainage is excluded from these restrictions.
In addition, this emergency order closes sport fishing for sockeye salmon in the following waters to eliminate the potential for conflict between sport and subsistence fisheries:
- In Alexi Creek and all waters within 150 yards of its confluence with Newhalen River.
- The waters of Sixmile Lake and one-quarter mile downstream of Sixmile Lake in the Newhalen River and the lower one-quarter mile of the Tazimina River.
- All waters within one-half-mile of the confluence of Gibraltar River with Lake Iliamna.
- The waters of Kvichak River between ADF&G regulatory markers posted adjacent to the community of Igiugig.
“Based on current in-river numbers of sockeye salmon, we are not expected to achieve the lower end of the escapement goal of 2 million fish for the Kvichak River drainage,” stated Area Management Biologist Jason Dye. “These restrictions are consistent with the management plan. In addition, conservation measures have been implemented in commercial fishery. Commercial fishing in the Naknek-Kvichak District is currently limited to the Naknek River Special Harvest Area.”