Kodiak’s Buskin River Closing To Coho Fishing
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Buskin River Closed to Coho Salmon Fishing
(Kodiak) – In an effort to achieve escapement goals, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is closing the Buskin River drainage to sport fishing for coho salmon effective
12:01 a.m. Thursday, September 22 through 11:59 p.m. Saturday, December 31, 2022. Sport fishing for coho salmon on the Buskin River is closed and any coho salmon caught incidentally while fishing for other species may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately.
“The Buskin River coho salmon stock has seen very low weir counts to date and only recently have coho salmon entered the river in significant numbers,” stated Area Management Biologist Tyler Polum. “Even with 1,000 or so coho salmon holding in the river below the weir, the run is still not on track to make the escapement goal. If conditions change, and it looks like the escapement goal will be achieved, we will reconsider opening fishing for coho salmon again.”
As of September 19, 2022, 981 coho salmon have passed the Buskin River weir. The escapement goal for coho salmon into the Buskin River is 4,700 to 9,600 fish. Based on historical run timing, about 60% of the run has occurred and the run is not currently projected to meet the escapement goal. Therefore, it is warranted to close the coho salmon sport fishery in an attempt to meet the escapement goal.
For additional information, please contact the Division of Sport Fish Kodiak Office at
(907) 486-1880.