Kodiak Fishing Report: Buskin River Sockeye Run Winding Down

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Buskin River photo by USFWS

Kodiak Fishing Report

August 07, 2024

Freshwater Fishing 

  • The Buskin River sockeye run is winding down but there are still some fish in the river but pinks are slowly becoming the majority.
  • The Saltery sockeye run is still going strong and fish are moving into the river daily. Most reports indicate relatively easy fishing and many people limiting out.
  • Pasagshak is still getting decent numbers of sockeye. The best fishing is always after low tide on the incoming tide.
  • Pinks are starting to show up around the road system but it’s definitely a slow start. They are starting to school up around most rivers on the road system and there are some fish building up at the Buskin, Olds and Russian.
  • Dolly fishing is picking up and most road system rivers have quite a few dollies in them. The Olds and Salonie have some big ones!

Saltwater Fishing 

  • King salmon fishing was excellent in the last week with a most effort right at Mission Beach. It seems to have slowed some over the weekend but there are still some fish being picked up. There are also some being found at the Fingers, Whale Pass and Chiniak.
  • Silvers are slow to show up this year but some are being caught between Woody and Long Island, at Chiniak and some at Buoy 4 and the Fingers. There don’t seem to be large schools of silvers built up yet, though.
  • Halibut fishing has been good with lots of fish still being picked up trolling for salmon. Most of the reefs North of town have been productive as well as Chiniak and even between the Islands.
  • Lingcod fishing has been excellent with lots of fish in the 15lb range around and quite a few being caught trolling.
  • Rockfish are also plentiful but now is the time to practice your rockfish ID and take advantage of the increased limit for rockfish. ADF&G has rockfish ID guides if you need one! Dusky rockfish have been plentiful at the Fingers.
  • Pinks are building up off the beaches at Chiniak and at Pillar Creek. Catching pinks in the saltwater is a blast and they are good eating when they are bright.

Local Lakes 

Two lakes on Woody Island are stocked with rainbow trout, Long Lake on the North end of the Island in the State Park and Tanignak Lake adjacent to the camp. Both are productive with Tanignak consistently producing fish over 20”. Long Lake is also the site of a new State Parks cabin available for rent and a nearby dock that provides fishing opportunities and a place to tie your boat up.

Special Species Information

  • New rockfish regulations took effect June 1 for Kodiak and Afognak waters north of Dangerous and Outlet Capes. This includes all the waters of Afognak, Raspberry and Shuyak Islands as well as Chiniak, Ugak and Marmot Bays and all of Whale Pass and Kupreanof Strait. It is also in effect for all anglers, both resident and non-resident.
  • Anglers fishing in these waters can keep 5 rockfish per day, but for only 2 can be of a single species. This is similar to salmon bag limits in the Kodiak Road Zone and an example would be that an angler could harvest 2 black rockfish, 2 dusky rockfish and a yelloweye. Species ID guides are available in the Southwest Alaska Regulation Booklet, on the ADF&G website and in the Kodiak ADF&G office.
  • The standard bag limit for non-pelagic and yelloweye is still in effect Island wide, only 2 of your rockfish bag limit may be non-pelagic species and only one of these may be a yelloweye.
  • Some anglers have commented on black rockfish being the only rockfish they are able to catch. When looking for other species, like dark or dusky rockfish look to the deeper part of reefs and pinnacles and fish closer to the bottom and off to the side of the shallower areas. Black rockfish will often be up off the bottom and in the shallowest water.

Emergency Orders

Please review the emergency orders and advisory announcements below in their entirety before heading out on your next fishing trip.

  • Emergency Order 2-RS-4-36-24 increased the bag and possession limits for sockeye salmon to five fish in the Buskin River drainage. The combined bag limit for sockeye, chum and pink salmon remains at five fish, of these two may be coho salmon through September 15.
  • Emergency Order 2-RF-4-17-24 reduced the bag and possession limit for a single species of rockfish to 2 per day, 4 in possession north of Outlet Cape and Dangerous Cape. This emergency order is in effect from Saturday June 1, 2024 through 11:59 pm. Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
  • Emergency Order 2-KS-4-16-24 closed the Karluk River drainage (including the lagoon and its outlet stream) and the Ayakulik River drainage to king salmon fishing and restricted fishing gear to only one unbaited, single-hook artificial lure through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
  • Emergency Order 2-RS-4-37-24 increases the bag and possession limits for sockeye salmon to four fish in the Pasagshak River drainage. The combined bag limit for sockeye, chum and pink salmon remains at five fish, 20 inches or greater in length, of these, two may be coho salmon through September 15. From September 16 through December 31, the bag limit for coho salmon is one fish, 20 inches or greater in length. This regulatory change is effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, July 11 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
  • Emergency Order 2-RS-4-38-24 increases the bag and possession limits for salmon, other than king salmon, to 10 fish in the Saltery Cove drainage all of which can be sockeye salmon, but only 5 may be chum and pink salmon, and two can be coho salmon, 20 inches or greater in length. Anglers may not harvest more than 10 salmon per day or possess more than 10 total salmon, all species combined. This regulatory change is effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, July 11 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

Don’t forget to purchase your 2024 sport fishing license and king stamp! You can purchase and display your fishing license and king stamp, record your annual harvest (i.e. king salmon), access sport fishing regulations and locations, and so much more on your mobile device. Download the ADF&G Mobile App today. You can also purchase licenses through the ADF&G online store and print it off from the comfort of your own home. Make sure to review emergency orders, advisory announcements, and the 2024 Southcentral Alaska Sport Fishing Regulations Summary booklet for the area you are fishing before you head out.

For additional information, please contact the ADF&G Kodiak Area Office at (907) 486-1880.