King Salmon Sport Fishery Shut Down On Tanana River
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Effective 12:01 a.m. Friday, July 26, 2019 sport fishing for king salmon in all flowing waters of the Tanana River drainage is closed. King salmon incidentally caught while fishing for other species may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately.
The Tanana River drainage king salmon sport fisheries are managed under 5 AAC 74.060 Chena and Salcha River King Salmon Sport Harvest Management Plan. The plan states that the fisheries will be managed to achieve escapements in the Chena and Salcha rivers that fall within the escapement goal ranges. The Chena River king salmon escapement goal is 2,800 – 5,700 fish, and the Salcha River king salmon escapement goal is 3,300 – 6,500.
Through Tuesday, July 23, the cumulative passage of king salmon was 1,429 fish in the Chena River and 2,496 fish in the Salcha River. Based on historical run timing, king salmon escapements in the Chena and Salcha rivers will not be achieved and cannot support a sport fishery at this time. Closing the king salmon sport fishery in the Tanana River drainage is warranted to conserve Tanana River king salmon stocks.