King Salmon Retention Prohibited In Southeast Alaska Waters
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Retention of King Salmon Prohibited in Southeast Alaska
Juneau- The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is announcing a change to the sport fishery for king salmon in Southeast Alaska.
The retention of king salmon is prohibited in all Southeast Alaska salt waters. King salmon may not be retained or possessed, any king salmon caught must be released immediately and returned to the water unharmed. These regulations will be effective 12:01 a.m. Monday, August 26 through 11:59 p.m. Monday, September 30, 2024. The king salmon sport fishery will reopen on October 1, 2024 for the winter season, a future announcement will be issued in late September.
The Southeast Alaska sport fishery has exceeded the 2024 sport allocation of king salmon as determined by Allocation of king salmon in the Southeastern Alaska-Yakutat Area (5 AAC 29.060). While the management plan is intended to avoid inseason changes to sport fishing regulations, the projected end of season harvest for the sport fishery is expected to exceed the combined sport and troll allocation. The magnitude of this overage in allocation may not be able to be absorbed by the remaining harvest allocation in the other Alaskan fisheries. This action is necessary to keep Alaskan fisheries from exceeding the 2024 Alaska all-gear catch limit as determined by the Pacific Salmon Treaty.
For further information concerning this announcement please contact the Commissioner’s office at (907) 465-4100.