King Salmon Fishing Set To Open Around Baranof
The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Beginning Tuesday, May 1, through Thursday, June 14, 2018, the king salmon regulations in the vicinity of Hidden Falls Hatchery are as follows:
- In the waters (crosshatched area — See Map) within one nautical mile of the Baranof Island shoreline south of the latitude of South Point and north of 57°06.83? N. latitude excluding waters of Kelp Bay and east a line from 57°13.18′ N. latitude, 134°51.88′ W. longitude to 57°12.91′ N. latitude, 134°51.50′ W. longitude to 57°12.81′ N. latitude, 134°51.48′ W. longitude to a point on the Baranof Island shore at 57°12.65′ N. latitude, 134°51.48′ W. longitude;
- The bag and possession limit for all anglers is one king salmon 28 inches or greater in length;
- The nonresident annual limit is three king salmon 28 inches or greater in length applies;
- In the remaining waters of Kasnyku Bay identified by the black shaded area (See Map)
- Closed to the retention of king salmon.
King salmon returning to Hidden Falls Hatchery are expected to meet broodstock goals in 2018 allowing for some sport fishing harvest opportunity for these king salmon of hatchery origin. Similar actions are being taken in the commercial troll fisheries to provide a limited harvest opportunity of hatchery origin king salmon. For further information, about these sport fishery actions please contact the Sitka ADF&G office at 907-747-5355 or visit:
For additional information on the commercial troll fishery management actions in this area please visit: