Kenai River King Fishing Catch-And-Release-Only
The following regulation change ia courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
(Soldotna) – To protect returning king salmon and ensure fishing opportunities in the future, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is implementing the following sport fishing regulation restrictions for the early-run king salmon in the Kenai River drainage downstream of the outlet of Skilak Lake effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, June 17, 2021. From June 17 through June 30, king salmon of any size may not be retained in the Kenai River from the mouth upstream to the outlet of Skilak Lake. That restriction will continue July 1 through July 31, in the waters from an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately 300 yards downstream from the mouth of Slikok Creek upstream to the outlet of Skilak Lake. Only one, unbaited, single-hook artificial lure may be used in the waters restricted to catch-and-release. King salmon caught may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately.

“In an effort to protect our king salmon fishery resources, which are important to anglers and our fishery managers, and ensure our fishery management is consistent with the regulatory management plan, the early king salmon run on the Kenai River is restricted to catch-and-release fishing only in an effort to meet the early-run escapement goal,” stated Area Management Biologist Colton Lipka.
ADF&G staff will be closely monitoring this fishery in-season and if data assessment projects indicate further action is warranted in-season actions may be taken.
The 2021 Kenai River King Salmon Early-Run Forecast can be found online. For additional information, please contact Area Management Biologist Colton Lipka at (907) 262-9368.