Homer Jackpot Halibut Derby Finale
Shortly after deciding to retire the Homer Jackpot Halibut Derby, the event wrapped up for the 34th and final time last weekend. Here are the results from the final event, courtesy of the Homer Chamber of Commerce:
Jackpot winner, Jason Schuler, who fished in July with captain Daniel Donich on the Optimist, wins a jackpot of $13,160.50 for his fish weighing 224.2 pounds.

Our “Just for the Halibut” raffle winner is Martina Parrish of Bozeman, Montana, who takes home $1,000, and Vincent Kruzick of Soldotna wins our $500 Released Fish Prize for releasing a big halibut while out on the water earlier this month.
Congratulations to our kids’ prize winners:
Brooks Smith of Pomeroy WA
Evan of Chicago, IL
Logan of Wasilla, AK
Alayna Naylor of Wasilla, AK
and Jack Brixey of Altaville, CA
Our little winners are all very excited! Jack is in 4-H and said he’s going to use his $225 prize to buy a pig for the fair.