Homer Decides To Cancel New Format Halibut Tournament
The Homer Halibut Tournament, which was to be reduced to a two-day event after years of a much longer tournament format, has been canceled due to concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here’s the release from the Homer Chamber of Commerce:
HOMER, June 17, 2020 – The Homer Chamber of Commerce and the Halibut Tournament Committee have decided to cancel the 1stAnnual Homer Halibut Tournament scheduled for July 2-3 at the Homer Alaska Port & Harbor.
According to Homer Chamber Board President Tom Soderholm, “This is just not the right year to launch the first Homer Halibut Tournament. Even though this was designed to be mainly a virtual event with most of the time out on the open waters of Kachemak Bay, many of our regular tournament participants did not feel safe with any public gatherings. This seems to follow a trend across the country where fishing tournaments are not generating much interest this year.”
“Our priorities now must be focused on the safety of our community and helping Homer businesses navigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 virus,” said Chamber Executive Director Brad Anderson. “We look forward to getting this tournament back to its original timing in 2021, so mark your calendars for Friday – Saturday, June 4-5, 2021”.
For event information go to https://www.homerhalibuttournament.com/. You can contact the Homer Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center at 907-235-7740, www.homeralaska.org.
Special thanks to Presenting Sponsors Ulmer’s Drug and Hardware and Alaska USA Credit Union plus Event Sponsors Homer Port & Harbor, Kachemak Gear Shed and Muslow & Agnew Group, LLC.