Grizzly Bear Mauls Two Men
Two men met a grizzly bear while scouting for hunting areas and the encounter didn’t end well. Both men were badly mauled by the bear.
Two men were hiking and scouting new areas for potential hunting grounds in British Columbia when they encountered a sow grizzly bear with cubs. The protective bear mauled both men and put them both in the hospital.
The attack occurred on June 10 in the Dewar Creek area of the southern Purcell Wilderness Conservancy north of Kimberly, where the two men are from.
“It happened on Saturday, June 10 at about 9 p.m.,” said Conservation Officer Joe Carravetta. “It was in the Dewar Creek areas up St. Mary’s. These two guys were out hiking, scouting out areas for future hunting. They didn’t have any firearms with them.”
There is no information available on whether or not the men had bear spray with them.
“Around 9 p.m they were hiking when they got between a grizzly sow and her two, year-old cubs. Both individuals were attacked and sustained multiple puncture wounds to the arms, legs, torsos and heads. Their vehicle was parked some distance away, but they were able to get to it and drive to the Cranbrook hospital. Then it was reported to us.”
One man required an extended hospital stay while his friend was released after getting treatment.
Conservation Officers investigated the scene of the attack and decided to warn campers in the area as well as temporarily close nearby hiking trails. The campers evacuated.
“We do not intend on pursuing the bears,” reported Carravetta. “This happened way back in an isolated area and we won’t pursue the bears unless they prove to be a problem again. It was just bears doing what bears do.”
Always carry bear spray and practice situational awareness when in bear country.
Sources: Kimberly Bulletin, David Smith