Gray Whales, Seals Are Being Found Dead In Alaska
58 gray whales have washed up dead from California to Alaska this year.
Most were malnourished.
Scientists say warming oceans and record drops in sea ice near Alaska, where they build up most of their fat, is affecting their entire food web. pic.twitter.com/dfm24gRO4g
— AJ+ (@ajplus) May 20, 2019
At least 60 ice seals have been found dead in the past few days along the Bering and Chukchi Sea coasts in Alaska, according to NOAA Fisheries https://t.co/VQEy8wXfN8 pic.twitter.com/phd59UGnNy
— Anchorage Daily News (@adndotcom) June 12, 2019
Alaska and the West Coast have been suffering through several cases of dead sea life, including gray whales and ice seals, including several cases in Alaskan waters. Here’s CNN with more:
That makes seven in Alaska and at least 75 total, in what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration calls an “unusual mortality event,” the station reports. …
Here’s more CNN on the seals’ fatalities:
NOAA said it received multiple reports of dead ice seals in southwest Norton Sound on Monday, including from a hunter who counted 18 seal carcasses along 11 miles of shore and dozens more on the coast of Stuart Island, Alaska.