GMU 14A Goat Hunt Permits Available For Registration On Oct. 3
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Permits Available October 3 for Unit 14A Registration Goat Hunts RG890 & RG891
(Palmer) – Registration mountain goat hunting permits (RG890/891) for Game Management Unit 14A will be available on October 3, 2024, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in person at the Palmer Department of Fish and Game office and online at http://hunt.alaska.gov.
As of Monday, September 30, 2024, 1 billy and 1 nanny have been harvested in the Chugach Mountains drawing permit hunts DG890 and DG891. Based on survey information collected in July, this year’s quota for mountain goats in Unit 14A is 14 goat points. Under the goat-point management system, billies (males) count for one goat point and nannies (females) count as two goat points.
Drawing permit hunts DG890 and DG891 close on September 30. Given the low harvest and available goat points, biologists have determined that registration permits will be made available to increase harvest opportunity. Permits will be available for resident and nonresident hunters.
Season dates for the registration hunts are October 3–October 31. Successful hunters must report their harvest within 2 days on the internet at http://hunt.alaska.gov, or in person or by phone to the ADF&G office in Palmer (746-6300). Hunters who report by phone must also mail their permit reports to the Palmer ADF&G office. Unsuccessful hunters or those who did not hunt must report within 15 days of the close of the season. Seasons may close earlier by emergency order if quotas are reached. Hunters are reminded that the taking of nannies with kids is prohibited.