Fortymile Caribou Hunt Season To Open On Time In Zones 1, 4 On August 11
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Fall Fortymile Caribou Season in Zones 1 and 4 to Open
(Tok) – The State of Alaska fall registration hunt (RC860) for Fortymile caribou in Zone 1, accessible from the Steese Highway and Chena Hot Springs Road, and in Zone 4 (White Mountains) will open as scheduled on August 11, 2024.
Caribou have begun to move away from the road and trail network in Zones 1 and 4 since the initial emergency order closing the hunt, and the risk of overharvest in those areas has decreased considerably. The state caribou hunting season (RC860) will also open in Zones 2 and 3 on August 11, 2024 as scheduled.
The fall harvest quota is subdivided between 4 zones within the RC860 registration hunt area, each with its own quota. The 2024 overall fall quota is 425, with 195 allocated to Zones 1 and 4 combined, 100 for zone 2, and 130 for Zone 3.
Hunters are reminded to call the Fortymile Caribou Herd Hotline (907) 267-2310 for updates about the hunt quota and bag limit before departing for the field to learn of zone closures.
These seasons and bag limits only apply to state caribou hunts in these areas. Hunters with questions about federal subsistence regulations should call (800) 474-2200.
Successful hunters must report within three days of the kill online at (http://hunt.alaska.gov), by phone (907- 883-2971), or in person at the ADF&G office in Tok. Hunters who report by phone must also mail their permit reports or drop them off to the Tok ADF&G office. Unsuccessful hunters must return their reports to the Tok office or report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov by October 15.
Hunters are urged to obtain a receipt when they turn in their hunt reports or to mail them by delivery confirmation receipt. Permit holders who fail to report will not be eligible to receive any permits (Draw, Targeted, Tier II, or Registration, including Tier I Nelchina caribou) during the next regulatory year, and may be cited.
Division of Wildlife Conservation Alaska Department of Fish and Game Ryan Scott, Director Doug Vincent-Lang, Commissioner
Region III Headquarters, Fairbanks 1300 College Road
Fairbanks, AK 99701