Forbes On The Value Of Copper River Salmon
Is Copper River Salmon Really Worth $60 A Pound? via @forbes @lesliedines
— Copper River Salmon (@CopperRiverWild) May 22, 2019
Perhaps no Alaska fishery gets more attention than the Copper River and its salmon run, which last week got its annual first-class treatment from Alaska Airlines as the first catches of fish were shipped out.
And at a time when wild and fresh salmon are at a premium as many in the industry fight against fish farming in U.S. waters, Forbes magazine asks a relevant question: What is the true value of Copper River salmon? Here’s a bit from Forbes’ Leslie Kelly:
“It’s really the ultimate salmon eating experience because it’s the first wild salmon run of the season,” said Robert Spaulding, executive chef at Elliott’s Oyster House, where Copper River salmon entrees run between $56 for Sockeye and $66 for King. “It’s kind of like the first tomato of the summer. It’s something you crave.”
I would say yes, Copper River salmon is expensive but worth every penny of it!